Monads: just a monoid in the category of endofunctors!
In computer science, and especially in functional programming, monads appear a lot! When one wants to understand them, however, it seems all explanations are either a fully categorical definition that is way too abstract or a hand-wavy intuition of 'boxes' and pipes and whatnot. In this post, I attempt to reconcile the two into a rigorous, but intuitive explanation.
Monads are to seen, intuitively, as a way to nicely (functorially) extend objects in a certain universe (category) into other objects of that universe in a monoidal way, that is, there is a unit: a natural way to 'plainly' extend an object A into TA and there is a multiplication: there is a natural and unique way to combine higher level extensions T⋯TA into a single layer TA. The vagueness of the terms involved reflects the generality of applications of category theory. A monad is a purely categorical construct and therefore, so many categories reflecting so many different 'universes' of things could make use of monads, and the concrete intuition for each case can be quite different.